
Fighter | Mage

Push | Burst



Skill Effects


Shark Bite
Burst | Physical Basic Attack

Whenever he casts a skill, Bane infuses his weapon with a stack of Tidal Energy, up to 2 stacks. As a result, his next  Basic Attack will consume 1 stack to deal (+135%–170% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to nearby enemies (increases with hero level).
Physical Basic AttackDeal Physical DMG to enemies. It can trigger ATK Effect and Physical Lifesteal.


Crab Claw Cannon
Damage | Physical Skill

Bane fires his  Crab Claw Cannon in a designated direction, dealing 150–350 (+160% Total Physical Attack) Physical Damage to the first enemy hit. The shell will then bounce to a random enemy behind them (prioritizes enemy hero), dealing 150% damage. If the first enemy is killed by the shell, the bounce damage will be increased to 200%. Enemies hit will also be slowed by 10 (+10% Total Magic Power)% for 1 second.
Every 1 Physical Attack Bane possesses additionally reduces this skill's cooldown by 0.05%.
Physical SkillDeal Physical DMG to enemies. It doesn't trigger Physical/Magic Lifesteal but triggers Spell Vamp.
Movement SpeedMovement Speed on the battlefield. Usually Calculated and Actual Movement Speed is equal. But when Movement Speed is below 230 or over 420 both Slowdown and Speedup Effect will decay.
Calculated Movement Speed = Basic Movement Speed × (100% + All Speedup Effect% - All Slowdown Effect%).

Skill 1

HEAL AoE | Magic Skill

Bane chug of his  Ale, restoring 160–285 (+150% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage plus 6 (+2.5% Total Magic Power)% of his lost HP and increasing his Movement Speed by 50% which decreases rapidly over 2.5 seconds.
Use Again: Bane spits venom forward in a fan-shaped area ahead, dealing 200–400 (+180% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage (scales with charging time, up to 150%) to enemies hit.
Every 1 point of Magic Power Bane possesses additionally reduces this skill's cooldown by 0.07%.
Magic SKill
Regen EffectAttribute that affects the actual HP Regen and Shield. The default ratio is 100%.
Actual HP Regen/Shield = Original HP Regen/Shield × (100% + All Regen Effects Increase% - All Regen Effects Decrease%).
Movement SpeedMovement Speed on the battlefield. Usually Calculated and Actual Movement Speed is equal. But when Movement Speed is below 230 or over 420 both Slowdown and Speedup Effect will decay.
Calculated Movement Speed = Basic Movement Speed × (100% + All Speedup Effect% - All Slowdown Effect%).

Skill 2

Deadly Catch
AoE CC | Magic Skill

Bane summons a school of sharks to charge in a designated direction. When they hit enemies, they will deal 600–1000 (+100% Total Physical Attack) (+170% Total Magic Power) Magic Damage, knock them airborne 0.4 second, and slow them by up to 65% (decays steadily over 3 seconds).
The sharks also deal 40% of damage to Turrets.
AirborneA state that prevents a target from moving, attacking, or using skills. The target will fly into the air within the duration.
Movement SpeedMovement Speed on the battlefield. Usually Calculated and Actual Movement Speed is equal. But when Movement Speed is below 230 or over 420 both Slowdown and Speedup Effect will decay.
Calculated Movement Speed = Basic Movement Speed × (100% + All Speedup Effect% - All Slowdown Effect%).

Skill 3